September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Im sure this has been discussed before,
    But this is my personal opinion on the book as I just read it.

    I have read Wind Up Bird by Haruki Murakami before and really liked it.

    Well, this one is a lot different I would say.
    Im starting Kafka on the Shore so I must have liked Norwegian wood.

    I am no writer whatsoever, in fact English is not my first language, but that is the language I read the book in.

    This is my first ever post on reviewing/sharing thoughts on a book ever.

    I was taken off guard by the ending and spent some time reflecting on it.
    I first thought that Toru Watanabe might have caught the same sickness Kazuki and Nauko had and was spiraling down the dark hole, but I dont think so. He even says he chose life over death so it cannot be it.

    I think Toru was a lot alike like Nagasawa – detached, cold, disciplined and enjoyed tapping into his ability to “feel”
    Just like Lermontov’s character “hero of our time” in some way.

    Im surprised to see the development of the Storm Ttooper, boring dull guy, studying maps (m-m-maps) to just vanish in the story. But maybe the fact that Watanabe even noticed him points to mere observation by Watanabe on how thotough Storm Trooper was and his discipline only spiked the interest because it triggered internal obsession with discipline of the main character. Girls seemed to enjoy Toru’s stories about storm trooper as well, pointing to Toru’s dedication to enjoyment of self discipline and routine.

    He cries for help at the end to call Midori (what a name, extremely sweet, green booze) maybe an alter ego for “life” itself, and we are left guessing to as what happens.

    It is noted that all of Midori’s parents died of brain cancer, so maybe she followed the same fate.

    At the very first opening paragraphs of the book it is said that main character is landing in Germany.
    Nagasawa mentioned that him and the main character would meet again and Nagasawa was pursuing politics, external affairs.
    So I think eventually, Toru met with Nagasawa and joined him in politics as that would be a perfect match for a cold headed, grounded person with a sense of patriotism for his own country of Japan

    What do you think?

    by coffeestainzz

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