September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone, My best friend is in jail and every couple of months I send her a list of books to read, I’m running out of books I’ve read now and I need books that are very engaging and keep her busy. She loves novels the most, no specific genre. Any recommendations you can give me would be super helpful, thank you!

    by Desert_Flowerr


    1. Tell us what some of her favorite books are and some of her interests. So nice of you to do this.

    2. The Outlander series is good for this because it is very long while being interesting. There is a love story, but it also ends up going into a lot of interesting detail about historical events, family and daily life tasks in pre-electricity times, medical care and treatment of people during those times. etc.
      And you should be able to find all of them in paperback format.

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