September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve been steadily working my way through Michael Robotham’s catalogue, and after finishing his 9 book Joe O’Laughlin series, I’m feeling a bit lost! I’ve enjoyed spending time in the world of the crime-fighting psychologist (even if the early 2000’s descriptions of women were a little dated). Currently reading ‘The Secrets She Keeps’ (great) …where to from here?

    I really enjoyed how characters from Michael Robotham’s books intersect, likewise for Charlie Donlea (whom I also read the shit out of recently)…gives me a wee thrill like ‘hey I know them!’ 🤓 Any suggestions like that would be fab, but keen to hear any and all suggestions 🙏🏽

    by Reneebruhh

    1 Comment

    1. robotham is pretty good and I also like familiar characters showing up here and there. if you want another crime-fighting shrink, there’s jonathan kellerman. I found lisa gardner’s books great as well, they have some crossovers, and while not exactly in the same vein, one of my favorites is john sandford.

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