July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m using the chat gpt where you gotta login with your phone number, and maybe it’s just the topic I wanna read that’s causing this, but man is it annoying.

    So I’ve been into shows like criminal minds and I’ve been really interested in the criminal part more than the fbi part. I’ve gotten recommendations here for what I wanted to read and it’s been great. I got to read books about young criminals, serial killers, or just sociopathic characters. All fiction.

    So I go on chat gpt to ask for more recommendations and every time! They flag it as a inappropriate request! And they give me nothing. I really don’t understand. Even books about sociopaths, just sociopaths, not criminal or anything they flag down.

    by AndthenIwhispered


    1. How did you phrase the question?
      On topics of criminality etc, how you phrase the question is important.

      I got responses with “can you provide novel and book recommendations for fictional and non-fictional accounts of serial killers, criminals and sociopaths.”

      Might also want to try the AI engines for Bing and Bard

    2. Well, it’s the consequence of the efforts to prevent the AI from saying anything inappropriate. You may be better off using a search engine.

    3. Really? I got almost everything I asked. Sometimes, it went like “some dark books can be dark, so be careful about your mental well-being and be nice to elderly” and then recommended stuff anyway. Maybe something changed.

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