July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Seems odd, but suggest me a book on how the human race works emotionally and psychologically. For example, if one had a lack of empathy and poor social skills, is there an appropriate book to learn about “themselves”? Thanks in advance for accepting this odd request.

    by sitonmy1nterface


    1. Are you asking about something that does this in a more metaphorical / parable sort of way, or are you asking for some recommendations that are more in line with psychological tools you can use to (as examples) start connecting physiological sensations with the emotions they’re related to, or exercises on reframing your cognitive experience and actively “practicing empathy” in your day to day life?

    2. Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

      Here’s the synopsis: “The novel examines the hidden cultural biases driving modern civilization and explores themes of ethics, sustainability, and global catastrophe.”

      I suggest this book because it is situated as a Socratic conversation with a man and a gorilla. The main character seems to be “re-learning” the world, but from a perspective that removes our human bias. Gave me a completely new perspective on what it is to be human. May be worth a read if you’re interested!

    3. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. This x 100. The title sounds like how to take advantage of people, but it’s not. He really illuminates what makes people tick.

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