July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have thought about this book I read as a child but I can’t remember the title or story except that I read it when I was very young and that the author had a real talent for making the scenes that he or she was presenting come to life. So I still remember parts of some of those scenes but not the story. It was as though there was a camera slowly showing me everything that I needed to construct the scene in my head. Generally I find it difficult to imagine what is happening in a story, meaning that things come to me as words than as real living scenes, so that’s why the book really stood out for me.

    I sort of refer to it as cinematic writing. Is this something you enjoy or do you prefer more idea type fictional books that leave it up to you to create things in your head? If you do like cinematic writing, have you come across books that do that real well?

    by mrRichardBabley


    1. monsterosaleviosa on

      For the most part, I can’t and don’t try to visualize what I’m reading. It just doesn’t contribute to the story for me in most cases. The only time I really feel the need to visualize what I’m reading is in whodunnits and such, where I need to understand where everything and everyone is in relation to one another to really understand what happened. Even then, I mostly just accept that it all makes sense for the story that’s being told.

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