July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I know these two series are vastly different, in almost all ways, but I’m looking for a good trilogy or series that has awesome world building and a fun magic system. I couldn’t get enough of *The Dresden Files* and read all 3 books in the *Mistborn* trilogy in under 3 weeks. Right now I have the *Farseer* and *Tawnyman* trilogies by Robbin Hobbs on my shelf and will probably start those unless one of you thinks there’s a series out there I have to read! Thank you in advance.

    by Warm-Milk-Society


    1. Have you read the Wax & Wayne Mistborn books, which follow on from the original trilogy? I think Tress of the Emerald Sea by Sanderson would be a good one as well, and The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch had a slightly darker but similar vibe to The Final Empire

    2. {{The name of the wind}} by Patrick Rothfuss

      Like Mistborn it has a very unique magic system

    3. C.S Friedman, the Coldfire trilogy. Unique magic, cool world building, morally complex hero and villain

    4. bumblebeesanddaisies on

      Robin hobb’s books are wonderful in my opinion, and if you enjoy them, there are so many to go at! The farseer trilogy starting with assassin’s apprentice is the place to start. If you do enjoy it, there is another trilogy set in the same world between the farseer trilogy and the tawny man trilogy called the liveship trilogy which has some of the same characters so would be good to read before the tawny man books 🙂

    5. kawaiibookwyrm on

      If you like Mistborn you can continue with any of Sandersons book series.

      The Craft Sequence by Max Gladstone is longer than a trilogy but still very good and has a magic system based on contracts and stocks. Its very interesting.

    6. The Reckoners series by Brandon Sanderson. Already complete and I consider it the Superhero SciFi version of Mistborn, power-wise.

    7. Check out Butcher’s *Calderon* series. Interesting magic and a good, finished series.

      For urban fantasy, I can recommend Benedict Jacka’s *Alex Verus* books. Also a finished series and I never would have believed you could write a procognitive protagonist while maintaining any kind of tension.

      Blackmoore’s *Eric Carter* and Schaefer’s *Daniel Faust* are both ongoing, but they are both good darker urban fantasy, much more morally grey than Dresden but action packed.

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