September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    One feature of Iain Banks’ “Culture” novels that I enjoyed was the colorful AI ships. I also enjoyed them in Neal Asher’s novels, although they seemed more gruff and pragmatic.

    Are there any other works out there that contain sentient spacecraft?

    by zulwe


    1. There are other examples, but I’m going to go with books 2 and 5 of *Murderbot Diaries* as my personal favorite.

    2. Anne Lecke’s stuff, starting with Ancillary Justice, would fit the bill. I haven’t read the others but I really enjoyed that one.

    3. Sad_King_Billy-19 on

      The Bobiverse isn’t AI (or is it…..) but wonderful.

      One of the Wayfarer series…. Book 2? Heavily features a ship AI.

      And of course 2001 aSpace odyssey

    4. The Protectorate trilogy by Megan O’Keefe features a sentient AI spaceship and is a lot of fun.

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