July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Im currently 20% through this book, which is 970 pages and I’m so surprised by how god it is.
    My father recommended me and I was a little bit skeptical about it at first but I’m so glad I gave it a chance. The size is scary, and honestly when I first looked at the cover I thought it was a fantasy or sci fi by how big it is! But is actually contemporary fiction.
    Is SUPER fast paced and I’d definitely recommend if you are on a reading slump. It starts very strong and Ken’s writing is very captivating and grabs your attention. I’m reading the Portuguese edition but I’m sure that by reading in English the experience is even better!

    There are a ton of characters on this book but basically a monk strives to build the greatest gothic cathedral on a very troubled world. And is always switching povs (is on third person)
    I only read 170 pages and the number of plot twists and things that happened are actually crazy!!!! Please read this book, you won’t regret it.

    by HumanYogurtcloset941

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