July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello all! Pretty much just what the title says. I recently read “Everyone in my Family has Killed Someone” and had a pretty fun time with a snarky narrator; I’d like to read more books with an active voice.

    I prefer fantasy but will take pretty much any genre. And the narration doesn’t necessarily have to be funny!

    Other books like this I’ve read and enjoyed: The Martian, Project Hail Mary, Good Omens (kind of fits?), The Everything Box.

    by max_mercury


    1. I think “We are legion (We are bob)” might be right up your alley. The narrator (Bob) does a good job at making you smile.

    2. If having an unreliable narrator is up your alley, I’ll suggest the murder of roger ackroyd by Agatha Christie.

    3. {{All Systems Red}}, {{The Screaming Staircase}}, {{Three Men in a Boat}}, and {{Excellent Women}} all have funny/snarky narrators.

      Others that have especially strong (but not humorous) first-person narrative voices include {{Piranesi}}, {{Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer}}, {{Gone Girl}}, {{Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier}}, {{The Remains of the Day}}, {{Klara and the Sun}}, and {{We Have Always Lived in the Castle}}.

    4. The classic fantasy series with a funny narrator that comes to mind is the Bartimaeus-trilogy by Jonathan Stroud, starting with {{The Amulet of Samarkand}}, which is about the magician-in-training Nathanael who summons the 5,000-year-old djinni Barthimaeus to take revenge on his master.

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