September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello! I’m 18F and just finishing my first year of college. I’ve never been into reading, but I’ve always wanted to be. Being forced to read books in school somewhat ruined it for me, but as I said, I’m just finishing my freshman year and looking to start reading to have something to do over the summer/ when it’s slow at work, lol. The last books I can remember reading and enjoying were All The Bright Places and The Book Thief, but I read those years ago and barely remember what they were about. I like the idea of young adult romance books. The concept of high school or college still existing in the plot intrigues me – I still want the drama, LOL, but it doesn’t have to. That being said, I want to stay away from non-fiction, historical fiction, and fantasy because I’m pretty sure I won’t love those genres, but I’m not entirely closed off. Basically, if there are any young adult romance books you think an 18yr old girl would like, please let me know 🙂 I really appreciate it!

    by RandomThoughts12343

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