July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So I understand the details surrounding Stephen Black becoming the king of Lost Hope and how/why it is that Norrell and Strange cannot summon Uskglass directly, but my question has to do with why Lady Pole would find both magicians to be worth condemnation. Pole’s hatred of Norrell makes perfect sense to me, but Strange, though neglectful of his wife and reckless at times, immediately went about trying to save Lady Pole and his wife the instant he realized their circumstance. Is she just too angry about Norrell to distinguish between the two? The fact that Strange sent the finger means that he set in motion her rescue, shouldn’t she be happy with him?

    by me0w_z3d0ng


    1. I think she is disgusted with magic and magicians generally, as reckless with magic they can barely control.
      She’s angry with Strange too because it’s his very association with magic, with or without Norrell and whatever his intentions, that have landed his wife in the same mess as herself.

    2. The same reason the homeless are often hostile to people. They are ignored to the point where its treated like they are invisible.

      Norrel, in effect put her in the situation. Evil, but at least recognized her worth enough to use her.

      Strange, who could at least hypothetically see her situation, ignored her. Even when his wife interacted with her as an interesting person, Jo. Strange treated her as a non- person.


      As a simple analogy, imagine the last time you were doing a simple chore. Washing dishes, folding clothes, raking leaves. Now imagine a S.O., family member, or friend constantly dancing past you with earbuds in listening to music. That’d be pretty annoying.

      Now imagine the chore is physically and mentally exhausting. And it carries on for years. It wears at you so much that you are sent away from family and friends because you are not fit for political/polite society.

    3. harvestmanners on

      Her whole experience with magic was horrible and she knows Strange and Norrell were friends and collaborated for years. If she knows the details of their split, then she knows it wasn’t a matter of morality. She might even assume that Strange knew the whole time what happened to her. It’s understandable that she’s not being especially fair, particularly after like… 5(?) years without proper sleep.

    4. Not to he a dick but looking at your replies here your problem seems to be that you don’t think she should feel that way rationally but real people don’t have rational emotions they have emotional emotions.

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