July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Looking for fiction or nonfiction about / set in the backdrop of Mongolia/ Siberia.

    Preferred Themes – **A focus on indigenous life, people and culture, geology, history and prehistory, prehistorical human migration, anthropology, insightful travelogue**


    by Martian_batata


    1. OhSoManyQuestions on

      Bit tangential perhaps, but you may be interested in House of the Dead by Dostoevsky. It’s a semi-autobiographical account of a Siberian prison. A good read and hits both your fiction and nonfiction request simultaneously I suppose!

    2. 4 nonfiction travelogues on Mongolia:

      [Across Mongolian Plains by Roy Chapman Andrews](https://lintreader.com/book/andrews-across-mongolian-plains-z32bdM6j)

      [Mongolia by Nikolay Przhevalsky](https://lintreader.com/book/przhevalsky-mongolia-the-tangut-cou-m08OanM3)

      [From Paris To Pekin Over Siberian Snows by Victor Meignan](https://lintreader.com/book/meignan-from-paris-to-pekin-over-si-RoJz3ORk)

      [A Wayfarer In China by Elizabeth Kimball Kendall](https://lintreader.com/book/kendall-a-wayfarer-in-china-X5JB9Mv2)


      [and if you want to go crazy deep Marco Polo is the original western tourist in Mongolia](https://lintreader.com/book/polo-the-travels-of-marco-polo-Jl94dQ3o)


      i can share siberia as well if you think these recs are any good

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