September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I would love to read a book where a good witch is the main character. Bonus points if it has good historical info or accurate facts about witchcraft, paganism, etc. I have already read Outlander (not really about witches but some in there), A Discovery of Witches, and Weyward.

    by hwlewis


    1. BelmontIncident on

      Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett is a pastiche of Macbeth from the point of view of the witches.

      It’s fiction and not particularly informative about historical paganism, but considering the number of real life witches who have good things to say about Granny Weatherwax as a role model, I’m comfortable calling it positive representation

    2. The Witches of Palmetto Point by Wendy Wang

      The Beachwood Harbor Magic Mystery series by Danielle Garrett

    3. Illustrious_Dan4728 on

      Books 3/4 and I believe 11/12/13 in Kelley Armstrong’s Women of the Otherworld series are about good witches. And book 5 is a dead witch in the afterlife. This series is what hooked me on reading and it wasn’t long after I jumped to Doscovery of witches. Although I started at the first book in the series and I recommend you do as well as they really are connected and best read in order. For instance the FMC in books 11/12/13 was introduced in the second book.

      Slouch Witch by Helen Harper

      Sam Quinn series by Seana Kelly (also Bewicched)

      Alex Craft series by Kalayna price

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