October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I got a book shipped to me that’s the second in a series I love. Pre-ordered it, was really excited for it to arrive and was mildly disappointed to see the bottom edges of the book were a bit scuffed. It’s damage that we might cause to our books just by reading them ourselves but I’m very tempted to return it because it’s a book that means a lot to me.

    **What are people’s thoughts on returning books that arrive damaged, and where do you draw the line between “not a big deal” and “I should return this”?**

    by RepresentativeTie374


    1. RideThatBridge on

      If it’s routine damage that would occur by actually doing what you are supposed to do – read it- I absolutely would not return it.

    2. greenteanandhoney on

      It depends on the damage. I usually don’t mind a small bit of shipping damage because (for me) it seems to always happen. The corners are always folded in just a little bit or a small crease might be on the dust jacket. I just figure that my packages go through hell to get to me and they get a couple of bruises along the way.

      However, if the cover is ripped, severely bent, several pages are severely bent, or pages are ripped; I’ll exchange it for a new one. I’ll also exchange it if the book is water damaged.

    3. If the book means a lot to you, do it.

      Damage is a damage, it’s the consequence of deliveries.

      If you can but it from a bookstore, you could even inspect the book first.

    4. If it’s equivalent to “shelf wear” that I would find if I bought the book at a bookstore, then I won’t return the book. Anything beyond that and I’ll return the book.

    5. If its something major that makes it hard to read yes, if its just some basic wear you can expect in shipping no. It’s just wasteful and chances are the new book you get will be transported the same way.

    6. Some books go through damage just being packaged, before they are even shipped. Things in warehouses are thrown around a lot. When I really want a perfect copy of a book (rare, but on occasion) I buy it in person, even if it means I have to wait a bit to get to a bigger book store. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that you get a better condition book by exchanging it.

    7. I wouldn’t buy it in a store if it’s anything less than perfect, but can’t be bothered returning stuff bought online for minor damage.

    8. I ordered The Last Unicorn and it was advertised as new and the exact edition I wanted. It came slightly bent and a different edition. I was not happy, but I kept it because it’s readable. Someday I’ll find that edition I want.

      My point is, you have to decide if you want the condition you ordered for or are you fine with keeping it because of the damage but you can still read it? Maybe look for the edition you wanted later on.

    9. Forget the consensus. You want to return this book because it means a lot to you. So do it.

    10. Some people are VERY careful to keep their books in pristine condition – they’re cautious with storing them, never fold the pages or leave the book laying open, never read them in the bath or on the beach where water or dirt could damage them, never read while snacking on something greasy. It makes sense for a person who treats their books that way to return a dented or slightly marred book for a perfect one, because they intend to take care of it to keep it that way, and that’s part of the enjoyment for them.

      Now, me? I toss my books haphazardly in my purse where the cover will inevitably get bent or slightly ripped, I dog ear pages, I leave my books laying open to keep my place sometimes. I’ll use a book as a coaster for my coffee, I read in the bath and on the beach. The pristine, fresh, and new cover of a brand new book may be nice, but it’s nowhere near the most important part of the experience for me. So, for me, I would not return that dented copy for a perfect one.

      If that perfection is a key part of the reason you enjoy your books, then go ahead, return it for a more beautiful copy that you can enjoy fully! If it’s really not, then just get to enjoying your new book. Happy reading!

    11. If it’s a new hardcover from e.g. Amazon, I will absolutely return it. Even when buying from a 3rd party or through eBay, if the condition is not as described I will return for a refund. The sites allow this and I don’t donate money to dishonest sellers and people who can’t bother to package their products well enough to prevent shipping damage.

      If it’s a used book, much depends on the price I paid and the condition it was stated to meet. I would also take packaging into account. A used paperback shipped wrapped in a plastic bag that cost me $3-4 and was described as in “good” condition… I wouldn’t be too picky unless it was unreadable due to damage, markings, etc.

      I’m somewhat of a “condition snob”, and I’m willing to pay more (to a point), for condition and protective packaging. I also wouldn’t pay money to order a book that I don’t intend to keep. If I just want to read it once, I’ll try to get it from the library or find a secondhand bookshop or thrift store to visit on a regular basis.

    12. lilac_mascara on

      For me, unless it’s a special edition or collectable, i wouldn’t return it because the way I read books is that I put them trough hell because I like the wear and tear they get from being loved so I personally wouldn’t return it.

      That being said if you want to return it because it’s important to you for it to not be damaged I say return it.

    13. ladygoodgreen on

      I dunno, anytime I damage a book I’m very upset about it for a few days and then it fades and I don’t care anymore. This is likely to happen with you.

      Unless you were going to wrap it in plastic or put it in a display case, *is it worth the energy and time* to return it? That’s something only you can decide.

      Seeing other comments agree that if you are having it shipped then you are unable to guarantee (and honestly pretty unlikely) to get a perfect copy. If it means that much, you should try find it in a store.

    14. avidreader_1410 on

      If it’s readable, and not bought as a collector’s item or as a gift, I’d keep it. I have never returned a book, even when they arrived with a ding or a slight tear in the jacket. They still look better than the 100s of well read books on my shelves.

    15. glitchedgamer on

      If it’s water damaged, has torn/missing pages or cover, or anything else that affects my experience using it, I would opt to return (if I can be bothered to make the effort). Anything less than that will annoy me, but I think it’d be wasteful to return a perfectly readable book because a corner got torn or a few pages got bent.

    16. Depends. If it’ll impact your enjoyment of the book then return it. Your enjoyment could include the aspect of it being part of a collection.

    17. princess_muffin on

      I collect books and I keep the ones I own in pristine condition. When I receive books that are damaged, I absolutely return them – even if the damage is so slight that it wouldn’t bother other people.

      Don’t listen to anyone telling you not to return it. If you want to get a new copy for your collection, you’re entitled to!

    18. I keep them cause if you return a damaged book they’ll probably throw it away. I’d only return a book if it’s unreadable because of the damage

    19. RubyNotTawny on

      If I order a brand new book, I expect a brand new book. If I want one that is already damaged, I’ll go to a used book store.

      I had something similar happen when I ordered from Amazon. They sent me a new copy and I donated the damaged one to my local library.

    20. FrankieTheAlchemist on

      Personally I’m very hard on books, so I probably wouldn’t. I’d only really return one if it was like a special edition that I would keep in a display case or something (I don’t own anything approaching that level). If I can still read the words, it’s all good to me.

    21. captain_toenail on

      If it impedes my ability to read the book or see the art in the comic for sure otherwise probably not

    22. If it’s the sort of damage you expect to be present once you are done reading it, there doesn’t seem to be much point in returning it.

    23. I wouldn’t return a damaged book unless it were a special/decorative edition or the damage was so extensive it would prevent me from reading the book. I honestly think it would be silly to return a book over a little scuffing; that’s something that could easily happen just from reading the book.

    24. If it was something I’d do to it anyway I’ll keep it. If it’s weird damage that would never happen then it goes.

    25. Routine_Service_5521 on

      My boyfriends mom actually buys books, reads them carefully, then returns them. She asked me to return one once. I did it, but it didn’t feel right. Isn’t that what a library is for?

    26. If it was damaged beyond readability like pages were missing id return it. Otherwise I have hyperhidrosis in my hands, every paperback Ive ever owned got totally wrecked just from me holding it and I dog ear my pages too… So I don’t see a point in returning it.

    27. >not a big deal

      * corner dents

      * shelf wear

      >I should return this

      * water damage

      * torn pages

    28. You paid for an item in “new” shape, and you didn’t get the item in “new” shape. I see no problem with returning/exchanging it.

    29. I’m not buying books as collectibles, and often buy used books, so as long as it’s readable, I wouldn’t return it.

      The last time I returned a book was because the book was printed in opposite order (like the last page was first after the cover) but not in a way that could be just read backwards easily.

      For what it’s worth, Bookshop.org does a much better job of packaging their books than Amazon, imo.

      If it’s important to you, it would be fine to return it.

    30. Beginning_Scholar_73 on

      Dawg, I only buy the worst condition books on thrift books because they’re cheaper. Lol. I’ve wondered for years what might have happened in the missing pages of certain books I’ve read. It’s exhilarating.

    31. sweetspringchild on

      I would not return it.

      1. It’s bad for the environment. Both the production of the book and shipping.
      2. It can destroy a bookstore (which are struggling as it is).
      3. More returns raises prices of books.

      I also enjoy perfectly new books but it’s not realistic. Book will get damaged while you read it no matter how careful you are, and even if it’s made on acid-free paper books will deteriorate just by passage of time.

      **not a big deal**

      * If the book was reasonably packaged and handled.

      **I should return this**

      * If it’s obvious the seller didn’t package it properly or the delivery company sent it through a grinder. Then returning it is not just for my sake but sends a clear message to the seller they either need to package books differently or they need to change their shipping partner.

    32. You preordered the book, meaning the copy you got should have been new. As a librarian who has seen “new” books (as in, been out less than a year) get returned with cracked bindings after 2 or 3 checkouts, publishers are getting sloppy and we need to demand better quality. I would absolutely return it and insist that the replacement be in better condition.

    33. If you want to return it, do it! Nothing wrong with that. I don’t think there is a “should” and “shouldn’t.” If it’s important to you, that is reason enough. In my opinion!

    34. thinkitthrough83 on

      If the book might have future collection value and you intend to not read it return it and hope for a better copy. If you intend to read it then just keep it.you can always order a pristine copy for collection purposes.

      Out of curiosity what is the book?

    35. Did you pay for a damaged book? No? Then return it. The degree of the damage doesn’t matter if it’s not acceptable to you.

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