July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished this book last night; I couldn’t put it down. I loved it, but it really frustrated me a certain points (midway through the book and the end needed some heavy editing, it was dragging). This is a novel that brings you to another world, another time, you can almost smell the spices in Big Ammachi’s kitchen, your heart breaks over and over even though you know what’s coming- ugghhh I just wanna talk about this book with someone !

    Anyone else have any thoughts/ opinions on it ? I absolutely loved “Cutting for Stone”, this one falls a little short of that masterpiece, but I can’t stop thinking about it.

    by olive_green_spatula


    1. Confident-Anon on

      I just bought this book last night on the recommendation of a friend. About to start it over my lunch break. Now I am even more looking forward to reading it if your reaction is so strong about it. Haha

    2. AnnualAd6496 on

      I just started reading it, I’m only 100 pages in but I love that so far, the female relationships in the book have been amazing! There’s a lot of support between different generations of women; I’m hoping this thread continues throughout the novel.

    3. I just finished this book. The last quarter of the novel was incredible. It was moving and profound. 100% recommend

    4. bananaleaftea on

      I’m 90% done with the book and I’m aching to go home and finish it!!

      It’s a miserable book, in terms of the amount of tragedies that occur, but so beautifully written, insightful and profound in a soft, unobtrusive way.

      I’ve learned so much about South Western Indian culture and history. Some medical information as well. For example, how am I 33 years old and just discovering that Lepers feel no pain?? Shocking.

      Also this book has boosted my vocabulary, which used to be quite strong before it fell off a cliff due to disuse 5 years ago.

      Fantastic book. I can’t wait to get to the end, I just hope it doesn’t emotionally cripple me!

    5. hiddengoldbook on

      Excellent book. I too enjoyed Cutting for Stone more, but they are 2 completely different masterpieces. His writing is a work of art.

      The depth of the characters, the descriptions assault all my senses. I feel, hear, smell and taste through his words. Maybe because I listened to the book? It was narrated by Abraham Verghese himself. So the accents, pronunciation and emphasis in the right places as authentic. He’s very soft spoken so even the tragic parts, which seems to build up in each part and explode with the last chapter, were so personal and penetrating.

      It’s my turn to present this book for our book club. I thing we will need to book an overnight stay somewhere if we are going to discuss this whole book!

      BTW, I didn’t see that ending coming. I loved how it ended. Left me exhausted and fulfilled.

    6. I just finished listening to this audiobook. It was incredible. It felt like I knew the characters.

    7. nonsensicalnitwit on

      I really wish I loved this book, but I just found it a bit depressing and unfocused. It felt like I finally connected with a character and then they’d either die or we’d move on to someone else and never hear from them again.
      I made it to about 3/4 and gave up, but I’d really really like to know the ending. Is there anyone who’d be willing to spoil me? 😬

    8. Fit-Metal6532 on

      Quick question. I’m on part 2 with Digby – it’s been a long time with detailed info about puss and surgeries. It’s been two hours in the audiobook already. Does this eventually stop? It’s making me want to stop reading the book altogether.

    9. SalamanderDense1084 on

      Am I alone in finding the ending completely unrealistic? SPOILER ALERT – how old was the mother when she met the father? 10, 12 years old?? And we’re supposed to believe that she would fake her own death to be with him? Also, I could not stand the son with the drug problem (can’t remember the name). There was nothing redeeming about him. This is before the drugs, like cut the damn tree down already. This book was frustrating and flimsy. The author did a great job at describing the world and portraying the history. It’s an impressive piece of work, but overall it felt WAY too long and not believable. It’s a 2.5 star book that Oprah happened to love and I wouldn’t have read otherwise

    10. First time. On Reddit just to discuss this book. I slogged through Audible version. I read and listen to tons of books and was determined to get thru this one. He’s a good writer and topic was interesting but he needed an editor. I found my mind wandering. Had to take breaks because I was bored and couldn’t stay with story so forgive my Swiss cheese brain on these Q. What was the ending behind faked her death? The 12 yr old bride? I thought she was the old woman with daughter?
      Agree about drug addicted spoiled son.
      Digby’s storyline didn’t seem to fit into plot. How did it weave into main plot?
      I have read summaries and I’m still confused.
      Please help –

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