November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Does it depend on the work? Does it depend on if it’s your first or second readthrough? How about the genre and style of writing?

    I personally have been thinking I should take more notes when I read so I can strongly grasp as much as possible about all the different aspects of a story by the time I’m finished. However, I’m being quite lazy about it and haven’t begun yet. I am very reluctant on ever rereading (lazy) and am afraid that if I do so on my first read, it will impede upon my experience which is what I value most. Of course my experience can be heightened by having an understanding of something, however there is momentum to take into account.

    by RadiantOberon


    1. I have never taken notes on a book. The point to me is to enjoy the story. You say you’re reluctant on rereading a story but I have read many books more than once and have enjoyed them each time and taken away probably different things. My advice is to not make reading a chore.

    2. I was a high school English teacher for more than 25 years. I take notes on the books I read. It helps me connect with a book.

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