September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Thus is driving me CRAZY and been keeping me up for hours. I searched the internet for it and ChatGPT also doesn’t know. I have given these exact details to ChatGPT as well:

    The story is about a black young boy (I think in Jamaica?), all I can remember about him is that when he went to school, the substitute teacher I think made him cut his dreadlocks off. When he came back home, his grandma I think, anyway an old woman could tell he was upset, even though she was blind. I think the reason she got blind is because there were rats that fell from the ceiling and scratched her eyes.

    There was another important passage about someone suddenly starting to float in her bedroom. No one believed her but she wanted to present it to the entire village in the church (I think). And then everyone was in shock

    Some bad guys were from Babylon or something? I have no idea anymore but there were people that were bad and had power over the village, and they were associated with Babylon.

    There was also something about a guy being able to get around the village very quietly and sneakily, and his name included something associated with quiet and a foot, something like slowfoot? I have no idea

    I also remember now that colonialism was a VERY big part of the book.

    I THINK the book has a yellow cover, with only the title in big letters on the front.

    I literally don’t remember anything else.

    I beg someone, to release me from this burden and let me finally sleep.

    Oh yeah and it’s NOT ‘a brief history of seven killings’

    by Frosty_Size7470

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