September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have this theory that editors are great book curators. Kind of like those bookstore employees that will write little blurbs for the books you like. If an employee recommends books I’ve already read and liked, I’m more likely to trust their recs for books I haven’t read.

    Wouldn’t it be the same for editors? They pick the books they work on, presumably because they like them. Also they have a hand in the structure and style of the book itself. Maybe that hand is part of why I like it so much?

    As an example, I love Jade City and looked up the editor: Sarah Guan. Turns out she’s edited a *ton* of other books I like! I discovered this after some googling and still don’t think I have a complete list. Why can’t I just get a list of all the books she’s edited?
    Is there some industry reason why this is the case? Or does your average reader just not care about editors?
    PS: I know this doesn’t work for self publishing, but I’m sure there are different solutions for recommendations there.

    edit: removed typo

    by Due-Nectarine6141

    1 Comment

    1. RuxxinsVinegarStroke on

      Editors DO NOT get to pick and choose which books they will and won’t be the editors for, they are assigned books by higher ups at the publisher.

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