July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I think I hitched my wagon to the wrong horse here because I have a bunch of epubs on my computer that I sent over to google play books so I can have the books across all devices then deleted them on my computer. So are those files lost from the void forever? Because it doesn’t seem like Google will let me download the original files back onto my computer. Also are any of you guys familiar with the app because there are a lot of little QOL things that simply aren’t there like being able to custom order books in a shelf such as when the books in a series aren’t conveniently ordered in alphabetical. Or a “select all” of x to choose a lot of books to do a shared action.

    Are there any alternative apps you guys would recommend where I can upload the epub files I got from elsewhere and it’ll transfer across all devices?

    by averydolohov

    1 Comment

    1. It may be in your library but if you don’t own the book off Google books it won’t let you redownload off their server. You can still read your copy on the app though

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