July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am a new Audible subscriber and I’m shocked that I can get any book every month for only $14.99 (CAD).

    If I were to buy these audio books on Apple Books, I would have to pay $30+ for each one.

    How do the authors and publishers even make money with Audible?

    PS. I wonder if Apple will ever do something similar? I prefer to read over listening so this same concept but with e-books would be amazing!

    by Sally_Anne


    1. Part of it is the subscription model, a lot of credits go unused and count as free revenue for Amazon.

    2. kemphasalotofkids on

      Because customers paying indefinitely is always better for the seller (in this case, Amazon).

      Hell, some people will sign up, use it a handful of times, stop using it, and continue to pay for it for years and years.

    3. fitandstrong0926 on

      Subscription model is always more profitable than single purchase. My guess is it’s a trade off for authors to get more exposure = more sales.

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