July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    It sounds kinda vague but you’ll understand with an example

    So we all know the trope where there’s some big evil rising and a brave chosen teenager has to stop it, now here is the thing, instead of the protagonist being a 17 year old boy/girl, it’s a 83 year old retired woman. (Book is called “the remarkable retirement of Edna fish”)

    Do y’all know any more books like this that spice up the popular tropes?

    by Shot_Ice60

    1 Comment

    1. I’m of the opinion that NK Jemisin enjoys deconstructing YA fantasy tropes.

      “The Inheritance Trilogy” starts off with a country duchess arriving at court, to discover she’s in line for the throne. And now she’s in love with a Broody Bad Boy! The thing is, the series is more concerned with metaphysics and gods than any conventional plot, it takes a hard left from what you expect and never looks back.

      “The Broken Earth Trilogy” starts out with stories of a dystopian world, and a young girl getting recruited to a Magic School. But it’s primarily a story about motherhood and adult trauma.

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