September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am going through my biggest reading slump and I need help, I blame it on the romance genre tbh because I started reading romance then got addicted and only read romance for a while then this slump happened, I used to enjoy fantasy and sci fi but ever since I’ve been getting insanely bored and instead go do something else, I’ve been reading manga more as of late and I do consider that reading but it’s a different format from novels.

    Can anyone recommend me good fantasy or sci fi books with relatable characters and good world building, my favorite part of fantasy is when the magic system seems scientific more than “it just works” and my favorite part of sci fi is planet exploration and space adventure, it doesn’t HAVE to include these things, I just want something that’s guaranteed to get me out of this slump

    Ps: it doesn’t have to include romance, in fact I love arcs about relationships that aren’t romance (like friendship and family)

    by biscuits_manea

    1 Comment

    1. Ireallyamthisshallow on

      I’m not going to stray away from anything popular, but I think they’re appropriate.

      *Mistborn* by Brandon Sanderson might appeal to you. It’s very much a hard magic system, with defined rules which I think you’ll like. *The Final Empire* is the first book.

      *The Blade Itself* is the first in the *The First Law* trilogy and is another one you might enjoy. It strays from definable good and evil and I think adds to that relatability.

      Both authors are great world builders.

      These are both books on the longer side, so there are shorter recommendation you might enjoy.

      *My Stars, the Destination* by Alfred Bester is an absolute classic. It’s a story of revenge and anger – who can’t relate to that?

      *Rendezvous with Rama* by Arthur C. Clarke is about the discovery of a celestial object and may scratch that exploration itch.

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