September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi all

    I’m on the hunt for a captivating read that’s brimming with magic, enchantment, and whimsy.

    Maybe a story where the MC experiences the wonder of magic for the first time, akin to the magical awakening in Harry Potter.

    A world where fantasy elements are abound, where every page is infused with the essence of the mystical, and where magic takes center stage rather than lingering in the background.

    I need stories that transport me to realms where fantastical creatures roam and where the landscapes are as diverse and mesmerizing as they are otherworldly.

    Holes I need to fill:

    -Harry Potter

    -The Books of Raksura


    -ATLA (TV show, but it counts)


    by NoIDontWantMilk


    1. Front-Pomelo-4367 on

      Diana Wynne Jones is this for me! Howl’s Moving Castle and sequels, and the Chrestomanci books. For younger readers, I guess, but imo they’re better than the HP books that were written for the same age group

      If you’ve already tried Stardust, have you read Neverwhere, American Gods, Anansi Boys? They’re all very different tones from one another

      The ATLA franchise also has books! The Kyoshi novels

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