September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m late but I finally started the Chronicles of Narnia for the first time since I was about 9.

    The stories themselves are good. I enjoy the world that C.S. Lewis built, it’s fantastical and nonsensical and fun. I’m currently on “the silver chair” so still working my way through the books.

    I don’t like Aslan. But then again I also don’t have any love for the Christian god. When people said he was basically Lion Jesus I thought it was an exaggeration. NOPE. He is omniscient, brings people from the brink of death, dies for the sins of Edmond, comes back to life, TURNS WATER TO WINE (that was such a random throw away I almost said ‘oh come on’ out loud). Then he flat out tells Lucy and Ed that he is known by another name in their world and they’ll find him there.

    It’s so heavy handed any time Asland is brought around it’s hard for me not to be dragged out of the story. I actually love books that have religious allegory, symbolism, undertones, you name it. I love His Dark Materials, I believe Weaveworld had a lot of religious references, and in general anything that takes God’s and religious stories and makes them into something new and interesting is fun to me. Aslan is not. He’s a mouthpiece for religion and he’s boring.

    by QueenOdonata

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