July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    **Various thoughts:**

    * I like books that would be rated R or MA if it were a show or movie on TV. Not solely because of sexual themes, but I want it to be raw and real and not feel like the author is holding back. (see my favorite shows / movies below for example). However, not looking for a totally dark drag of a depressing book
    * I really enjoy multiple POVs and different settings that converge / shape the plot over time. Perfect example is a Song of Ice and Fire (GoT) series.
    * Totally willing to dive into a series and make the commitment
    * It’s okay if the book is very popular and commonly recommended
    * For publish date, lets do anything within the last 30-40 years
    * Does not need to be grounded in actual reality by any means — fine with Fantasy / Sci Fi, but reality is good too
    * I would like to connect with at least one of the main characters, so ideally one male main character

    **Favorite books:**

    * A Song of Ice and Fire series
    * Dune
    * The Stand
    * Between Two Fires
    * The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
    * The Silence of the Lambs

    **Favorite shows / movies:**

    * Blade Runner
    * Drive
    * The Green Knight
    * Sopranos
    * Mad Men
    * True Detective Season 1
    * Leave the World behind
    * Midsommer
    * exmachina
    * Good time
    * Enemy
    * Homeland
    * The Leftovers

    Books I did NOT like:

    * The Maid (didn’t connect with main character)
    * Priest of Bones (too focused on one individual)
    * The First Law Series (too similar too ASoIaF)

    by sehannig

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