September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve grown up reading alot of Robert Mccammon and a few Dean Koontz but my ADHD is so bad I couldn’t pick up a book and concentrate for YEARS. A few years back I Had a serious injury leaving me disabled and I thought well nothing to lose so I picked up a book. I will list a few I’ve liked to show an idea of what Ive been into!

    In this past month or two I’ve read

    Odd Thomas series by Dean Koontz ( Highly recommend for a good read)

    The Watcher by Dean Koontz ( A fun read)

    Wolfs Hour by Mccammon ( right there with swan song)

    Swan Song by Mcammon (One of my favorite books Ive ever read)

    House by Frank E. Peretti, Ted Dekker ( A neat psychological thriller)

    I’m open to pretty much anything but for now I think I need to stick to things along these categories, something that seems to be capturing my attention, atleast while I’m still getting used to reading.

    Like the ladies say, Size doesn’t matter so any size book will do long or short!

    I appreciate any ideas! Thanks guys!

    by Jaynaydoo

    1 Comment

    1. Winterblade1980 on

      Sci-fi Dark Fantasy – A Nightmare’s Point of View……
      Fantasy adventure – Shadow Side by April Kuper…..
      Indigo Traveler series by Merri Halma…..
      Books by Chris Holloway – Fantasy adventure…..
      Murder Bot diaries by Martha Wells – sci-fi fantasy

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