September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just read Sleepless by Charlie Huston, in hardcover. Now I note that it’s in hardcover because, despite the book being well-written, it’s got more typos than any published book I’ve ever read. There are mentions of the “rolls” an undercover cop plays, sentence fragments, missing punctuation marks, and three misspellings of majorly important characters, including the main character. I have no idea how a writer, especially one I appreciate like Huston, produced such a sloppy final product, not to mention the hands it must have passed through on the way to publication. What’s the worst-edited published book you’ve ever read?

    by Lombard333


    1. Deblebsgonnagetyou on

      Didn’t even bother looking inside, but I saw a book recently with an incorrect “your” on the front cover!

      Doesn’t speak well to the care and attention put into the actual writing and editing if nobody caught a mistake that basic on the cover.

    2. “Children of Chicago”

      Super interesting plot idea, but SO BAD. And an incredible amount of typos, including the names of multiple historic figures. I thought I had a pre-released version or something but nope.

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