October 2024
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    Have you ever been a top reviewer on Goodreads? I just made it into the top 100 reviewers this week, and it makes me happy. I usually read for fun, but when I checked my profile on Goodreads, I noticed that they display your rank if you’re in the top 100 reviewers for this week, this month, this year, or all time. I discovered that I am a top 100 reviewer for this week. It’s been quite an exciting experience for me, as I’ve always considered reading a hobby. I never thought it would lead to being recognized as a top reviewer.


    Have you ever been a top reviewer on Goodreads?

    by Delicious_Maize9656


    1. Comfortable_Tension2 on

      I have never been a top reviewer but thanks to you and all the reviewers through which I can select the perfect book of choice

    2. The goodreads style of review never appealed to me. I don’t know why we need cutesy meta commentary during a review, gifs, quotes placed in for no real reason, or a book report summary. The top reviews often don’t seem to do a whole lot of actual review and critique. I usually just scroll to a random or recent review that looks to be from an average reader, not someone looking for an audience.

    3. I completely avoid Goodreads unless I’m private browser and VPN. Amazon has too much information about me. If I visit Goodreads, I get endless Amazon spam trying to sell me books. Similarly, my Kindle PaperWhite lives in airplane mode and I load ebooks over USB. Amazon is constantly pulling usage information off my Kindle if it’s on WiFi and I get yet more spam.

    4. I don’t use Goodreads ‘cos I’m not ready to feed Amazon more information about me than abolutely necessary (by ordering every blue moon).

      Also I don’t care about reviews by people I don’t know personally.

    5. Nope. In fact, no one ever reads my reviews. I just like writing my opinions out, and I only leave reviews for books I generally love.

      If I write something that I want someone to read, I’ll post it to my Facebook for my mom to drop a heart reaction, lol.

    6. Mine has been saying I’m a top reader this month for my country but I’m definitely not when I go and look, some people are claiming over 2k books read!

    7. LeJeuDuProchainTrain on

      Recently switched to Storygraph because I finally had enough with Goodreads. Only ever write reviews for myself if I ever want to go back and remember how I felt about a book at the time of reading. I’ve never looked at reviews to determine if I should read anything because I think the culture of Goodreads in general is quantity over quality. Why read a review from someone who is just speed-reading everything, reading to finish as many books as they can vs understanding books as best they can? I’d rather truly understand one book than see how many I can finish in a given time.

    8. As much as I enjoy books and I try to enjoy goodreads, I think goodreads is mostly populated by a certain kind of reader (you could draft a stereotype of that reader with a certain age/gender/geographical area/tastes/favourite genres/other hobbies/etc) and I think I don’t really fit in.
      I guess goodreads reviews could be considered a genre on its own and if you want you could even specialize in that and become a very profilic and successful reviewer by learning to write something to lure other readers.
      Personally, I sometimes have been let down by reviews there and haven’t enjoyed some of the books suggested in the most read/liked list. I don’t have fancy tastes or anything, I usually enjoy very popular authors (I’m reading Stephen King at the moment) but I’ve often preferred general plain and boring reviews on Amazon or Reddit, I find them more honest, but maybe it’s just me.

    9. Dazzling_Pizza_4955 on

      Well done! I have never been a top reviewer because I don’t write reviews lol but I love reading other people’s reviews when I’m done with a book, so thank you for being a reviewer.

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