October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    He says he will, or at least last time I saw anything official he said that.

    The consensus of opinion is he never will.

    It’s been stated, years ago, that the last 2 books were already written and just needed editing.

    It’s also been stated that neither book has even been begun.

    There was also a report that he couldn’t decide how to end things.

    It really doesn’t matter now. It’s been well over a decade now since the last book, and the TV series made up it’s own ending, which was largely panned.

    I long ago accepted that the story would never be completed, and binned it.

    The fact it was left on one of the most major cliffhangers ever, puts it in the same category as tv series cancelled on major cliffhangers.

    as an author myself, he is the example of what NOT to do with a long series.

    As a reader, I refuse to read anything else he wrote.

    He broke his covenant with his readers to complete the series, and that’s just

    by Y_marj


    1. It’s been twelve years since the last book, with no release in sight for the next one. Even if he manages to release it, he won’t live another twelve years to finish the series. He’s 75 and won’t be writing professionally for long enough to complete the work before he retires and/or dies. Sad but true.

    2. theguineapigssong on

      I’ve accepted the books will never come. It’s a shame, he has a chance for a really cool redemption arc for the series after the show ended so catastrophically. I’d be elated if he finished the books, but I’m just not getting my hopes up.

    3. onceuponalilykiss on

      There is no covenant between writers and readers. It’s morally neutral at worst for him to just fuck off with his millions and never finish it on purpose.

    4. Whenever he does pass away, presumably with at least one book to go, I expect his publisher will hire someone else to finish the job.

    5. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:

      Practically, he doesn’t have any reason/motivation to finish the series. Considering efforts he has to put in for other side projects (e.g. backstories and novellas) and returns he is getting out of those, from his perspective, writing another two thousand pages or so may not be worth it.

      Of course, that’s not a good scenario for the readers/fans. But looking at past release dates and latest updates, I wouldn’t be surprised if the series is never finished, or it is handed over to someone else to finish.

      Said that, I waited long enough (waiting for all books to be released) to start reading the books. The idea was to get hold of all 7 books and read them back to back. And then start watching the TV series (no, I haven’t seen it yet).

      But I’m glad I didn’t wait because after struggling with first book for almost 2 months and 600 pages (which brings my daily average reading to measly 10 pages), I did not find the book interesting at all and I gave up. I tried hard to actually like those books, but I didn’t/couldn’t.

    6. Personally I just don’t care, and I haven’t in a long time. I could worry about those last 2 books (and I doubt it would be 2 books anyway), or I can look at the never-ending TBR pile I’ve been accumulating, and read those instead.

    7. Personally I think he’s had some really bad writer’s block. He meant to have it done before the HBO series ended. I think he did a few other projects to feel productive and hope it might spark something that might help lift his block. I don’t think he’ll finish them. Or if he does, it’ll be winds of winter only. Dreams of spring will likely have to be another writer after GRRM passes.

    8. pedestal_of_infamy on

      When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. Then GRRM will finish the series, my sun-and-stars, and not before.

    9. YoungHazelnuts77 on

      It’s not ideal, but I’m of the mind that this great books have enough in them to justify their existence even without an ending. It isn’t as if Martin wants to hurt you on purpose, and as much as it’s bothering you I imagine it bothers him 100 times more. So give the guy a break and thank him for the wonderful stuff he has written so far. We’re entitled to nothing from him.

    10. Still waiting to see what happens with Stannis and the epic battle that was coming. In the show he never had his end confirmed, just implied like hell.

    11. mjpenslitbooksgalore on

      Doubtful. But there is a small hope that he’s already finished them with strict instructions not to release until after he dies just to troll us all and avoid any backlash lol

    12. busselsofkiwis on

      It’s hard to glimmer a good ending when the show already finished it for you and set fan expectations. Maybe that spark left him.

      I can only write when I’m glimmering, my pen practically writes itself as the ideas pour out. But when it’s not there, no matter what comes out, it will not be as good. I’m pretty sure it tortures him more than us to see that unfinished file.

    13. Bookwormprincess on

      To be honest, I don’t think I’m interested anymore. The tv series ending has ruined it for me.

    14. Fair_University on

      I don’t understand what your question is here OP.

      Martins stated goal is that he plans on finishing the series. However, it has been 12 years since A Dance With Dragons was released.

      Beyond that we don’t have much more information. The only people who really know are Martin and his team. Anything here is really just speculation.

    15. HotpieTargaryen on

      We literally just don’t know. It’s useless to speculate on. The only evidence anyone can provide is, “i’m optimistic/I’m pessimistic.” Just leave it be and we’ll see how life turns out.

    16. Probably not, he got lucky and struck bank and doesnt need to finish to continue raking in money.

      The series was his first foray into long form and it really shows. He constantly kept introducing new plotlines while only ever closing old ones with death, there isnt a good way to satisfacoritly close out the story in any concise manner. Especially since most of the long story arcs are the more typical fantasy events that are the polar opposite of the political drama that got him famous.

      Ironically him finishing the series would likely damage his legacy as an author more.

    17. Bewaretheicespiders on

      He wont, and Rothfuss wont finish his either, and if they did, it would be bad. When the inspiration is there, books come out quickly. Most likely someone else will finish ASOIAF afterwards.

    18. mayor_of_funville on

      It is my understanding that GRRM had told the show runners how the story was supposed to end but left it up to them to get that point, and it is my opinion that he saw how poorly the ending was received and now he has nowhere to go now.

    19. ResoluteClover on

      It’s ironic that you didn’t finish writing your comment about Martin not finishing his book… That I’ve come to terms with.

    20. At 75 he’s reached the sudden death bracket for male life expectancy. The likelihood of the series being finished diminishes every day.

    21. Sometimes I wonder if the books are indeed written and Martin is just waiting until he dies to release them just to piss people off. Great books tho just so sad we won’t get a proper ending if he won’t
      Complete it.

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