October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I recently read and re-read atomic habits this month and finally learned how to edit videos by using the principles I learned. I’ve always wanted to create documentary style videos but i’ve been a serial procrastinator and never got anything done. But through the principles learned in Atomic habits I made tiny changes and started creating a system for editing and being productive. Essentially I try to follow a system where I do the following:


    * Master my mornings : Wake up early, no phones before 8, read first thing, edit after reading.
    * Master my evenings: No phone or devices 2 hours before bed, Journal right before bed, plan what I want to edit or add in the video the next day, sleep earlier.
    * Strive for consistency not perfection: Whether a big or small edit I just did something everyday for atleast 30 mins.

    Through doing this for about three weeks I finally beat procrastination and finished editing my first Youtube video. Guys use systems to master your mornings and evenings and take small steps toward your goals. Trust me it’s gonna make a big difference.

    by Grande_till_I_die


    1. I have not read the book, but it looks a lot like what I started doing to kickstart my PhD dissertation.

    2. The book was decent and it’s cool to see people benefitting from it.

      But it also is just a “simplified” version of The Power Of Habit which I thought was a much more interesting book overall.

    3. thatphantomnerd on

      Oooh I’ve been meaning to read this for the longest time. Finally bought it on Kindle a few hours ago but haven’t started it. Hopefully it helps my adhd brain lol 🙂

    4. Many people ( I bet) discourage self help books. But I tell you I didn’t regret reading this one!

    5. I listened to this book last week and it’s fantastic! It’s one I will highly recommend to people.

    6. I might need to check this out.

      I’m writing a large non-fiction book for a publisher, and I have a manuscript delivery deadline, and while I have a legitimate excuse because I suffer from severe chronic pain many days and I’m a stay at home dad, I also am self-defeating because I tend to procrastinate, do other less important things in the morning (checking my phone, etc) when I need to just get the damn book DONE already.

      I tend to be allergic to “self help” books, but I also realize some things obviously need to change.

      This book has really helped people, and with long-term help?

      (If anyone is curious about the book’s subject at all, a clue is in my Reddit name, lol)

    7. I followed this book during my final year med school exams. I framed rules for myself and made it easy for me to follow them by modifying my environment. I went from partying every weekend, bunking classes and cramming just before exams to studying consistently everyday.
      I ended up finishing that year with the highest score in my college and a gold medal. I owe a lot to this book and I can’t recommend it enough, idc if it makes me corny to like a self help book.
      I’m currently prepping for another exam and working on my weight loss. I’m re reading this book to build a new system of habits for the same.

    8. This sounds like a strong routine!

      I listened to the Atomic Habits audiobook several years ago, but it wasn’t very focused listening, I’ll think. Probably worth getting a physical copy and reading through again, as I am also a bit of a procrastinator and need to work on mastering my habits.

    9. I used this book to gradually improve my nutrition. I went from lazily eating out nearly every day, spending near $1000/mo, to never eating out and cooking literally everything I eat (that isn’t made for me a la lunch with family or friends) at home for $300/mo. Plus, I get my 3 daily servings of veggies, the same for fruits, 200+ g of protein, and get all my carbs from oats/rice/beans/potatoes. Best of all, aside from making breakfast and a huge protein shake each morning, it takes me less than 90 minutes on the weekend to make 12 meals with the help of my air fryer, rice cooker, oven, and stove all being used simultaneously. I don’t count calories because I don’t have to. This book changed my life.

    10. anarchy_joules on

      I’ve only just started reading it. And I have my doubts, I can’t lie. The book so far, for me, is longform for “just change your axiomatic beliefs bro” and “your identity is the real answer”.

      I’m going to read the whole thing, but so far James Clear hasn’t won me over.

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