July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I recently liked reading and I just discovered that I prefer reading non-fiction instead of fiction. Books like self-improvement, personal finance, business/entrepreneurship, or investing books have a lot of tips and I just want to highlight them all!

    But is it okay to highlight books? I feel like I don’t want to mess the look of the book but at the same time I just want to open it and see immediately the highlights that resonates with me or will be useful to me.

    What are your thoughts about this?

    by Hot-Grapefruit-6473


    1. TheGhostORandySavage on

      I highlighted my copy of The Hero With A Thousand Faces and made notes in the margins, but I rarely read non-fiction beyond that.

    2. I write in mine. Underline, I dog ear pages, I write angry corrections…

      I’ve done this Ina few fiction books too, passages that I really like.

    3. i dont prefer to because i like to trade or donate my books once im done, but one of my best friends buys the colored clear sticky tabs and tabs her pages with different colors depending on why and than highlights whatever quote in that same color!

    4. Kingkongcrapper on

      Yes. It helped when trying to gather necessary information that would be on my college exams.

    5. AnorhiDemarche on

      The books you’re reading are unlikely to be rare print, ancient or antique books of the sort one would typically preserve.

      They’re also your property. Highlight and make notes without worry.

    6. Interesting_Chart30 on

      Never. It’s like a desecration to me. I used sticky notes on college texts. I can use highlighting on my Kindle, if want to, and it’s not permanent.

    7. imsosleepyyyyyy on

      I do. Pilot makes erasable highlighters that work really well! I love their erasable line, it’s better than most I’ve tried

    8. I hated the thought of highlighting at first as well but once you discover your style it’s fun and can actually look cool

    9. No. I always hated highlighting. I would never go back to the highlight section anyway. But it’s your books. Do what works for you!

    10. I like reading on the kindle app on my iPad mini for this reason. I can highlight and make notes which links to my Readwise account so I always have the highlights handy.

    11. I highlighted like crazy in college, because I saw everyone else doing it. But it was much more beneficial to write down what I wanted to retain, and then turn that information into test questions. Much better, and it didn’t mess up the resale value of my books!

    12. I hate doing it. Instead, I just copy the passage onto my notes app on my phones, or of I can’t be bothered to write the whole passage, I just write the book and the page number and a short explanation message

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