September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey everyone. So I read The Child Theif by Brom last year and it has since become my favorite book of all time. I just recently picked up Slewfoot and I absolutely love it so far. I also have Lost God’s but have not read that one yet. I’d like to read more stuff like this but don’t know where to begin and Brom doesn’t have very many books and they’re also very hard to find. Thanks

    by aliceinhufflepuff

    1 Comment

    1. *Little Eve* by Catriona Ward is an extremely well written gothic book about a young woman growing up in a cult. Her family is found murdered in the first chapter, and we spend the rest of the novel putting together the pieces of what led to this brutal scene.

      *The Fisherman* by John Langan is a folk horror book that is one of the better Lovecraftian inspired modern horror books of late. I enjoyed the vivid descriptions and creepy moments though the book could have been shortened a bit thanks to a meandering slow burn style of storytelling that isn’t for everyone.

      *Follow Me to Ground* by Sue Rainsford is a creepy but poetic novella. A bit disturbing, but in a medical sense. I loved this little book and couldn’t put it down.

      *The Year Of The Witching* is an excellent and very spooky tale set in an Americana-style old world community where they people living there fear there are witches in the woods.

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