July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Going to give a brief summary of the book cause the one for the book its self is long.

    **Ana Dakkar is a freshman at Harding-Pencroft Academy A five year high school that graduates the best naval warriors and scientists who have a rival school known as Land Institute. Who have been in a cold war situation for years. then the bubble bursts and Ana and her friends lives are thrown into chaos.**

    **Note, I made the summary myself. The one for the book is much longer and has different details.**

    Rick knocks it out of the ball park again with another great book inspired by 20,000 leagues under the sea. I have enjoyed everything written by Rick far and cant wait to get Chalice of the Gods.

    Ana is such a great character with flaws and fears, not a perfect character which I love and can relate to her grief over having >!dead parents!< Honestly I enjoyed every character in this book.

    The action was great when it was there and the moments where we just sat and got inside the characters thoughts was really nice break from the twists and turns we got.

    Also there was a twist that just hurt my heart to read. Wont spoil it but I really liked it.

    Now the ending was good, and there was a moment that made me tear up, which doesnt happen a lot in books

    Final thoughts. A great book with some good Rep of Indian characters and a character with Autism. Anyone who loves Rick Riordan will love this book.

    Goodreads score, 5 stars

    Real life score, 8.5 stars

    by DevilMasterKING


    1. silver_fire_lizard on

      I thought it was decent. Listened to the audiobook with my kid. I loved the setting and the characters, and by the end of the book, all I wanted was another adventure. The beginning was really REALLY hard to get into, though. I almost abandoned it. It was such a big stretch to believe this fancy private school was in a literal life or death war with another fancy private school. And the main character was an orphan? It was YA cliche after YA cliche. It wasn’t until we were introduced to the submarine that I thought, “Ooooh, now this is interesting.”

    2. Agreed, I enjoyed the story, all the characters, and the action was well-written! I tend to get lost in very action packed scenes, so keeping me focused enough to follow is always an accomplishment. I also enjoyed the book enough that I have added Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas to my reading list, especially as I’m trying to read more classical books and explore more sci-fi. I am a big fan of Rick Riordan’s books, so this definitely did not disappoint!

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