September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    When it comes to reading any genre of book, what are your likes and dislikes, pet peeves, etc., within breakup scenes?

    Currently writing one of my own (I fucking *love* the drama of breakup scenes, ngl), and it occurred to me that I’ve never personally been through one – but have listened to lots of friends’ stories and of course, read a ton of books with scenes in it.

    I don’t know about anyone else, but I really love cliches in breakup scenes, especially if they start unleashing personal insults out of nowhere and the other character is like :OOOOO I have no idea why it’s so fun lol. I think it’s that emotional point where both characters get to say the truth to one another, with sometimes no limitations if the scene or dialogue is really harsh. Things come out that they didn’t intend to say, but that’s what they actually mean deep down oof. Love it.

    Personal dislike is when a character in the scene is like “s/hE CHEATED ON ME”, and *that’s* what’s used as the emotional \*see, look what he’s done, shock horror!!\* moment. I don’t mind cheating in stories at all (I actually love that topic being explored, it’s so interesting!) but that sentence is so overdone hahaaa, and I feel it ends up inducing a “yeah so what?? why should i care” response in me personally.

    by eggtasticfella

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