September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    A while back I was reading a novel by Virginia Woolf and I didn’t like it. The stream of consciousness style was confusing, the long sentences were difficult to understand, and the story was boring. A part of me kept telling me I will get used to it and the book will get better. After all, it was a classic, so the failing must be on my part. I was already half way into it and, having to read certain sections multiple times just to understand what was going on, I felt the time invested already was substantial. So I finished it. Eventually.

    I find myself having the same argument when I read lesser works. It usually starts with someone recommending a book, me reading a chapter or two and not liking it, then being told that I really need to read more to appreciate what the author is doing or that the story will pick up. Or that I can’t criticize something I have barely read. And eventually I’m in a situation where I’ve spent too much time on the book to leave it unfinished.

    By the way, I don’t want to give the impression that I find every book recommended to me to be a bore or hard to understand. Many have been quite enjoyable and intriguing. I’m just focusing on those books that weren’t, for whatever reason.

    I’m curious if others have been in similar situations and how they have dealt with it.

    by shank-redemption

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