September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey there,

    I feel like reading a book involving some sort of monster. Decently fleshed out characters trying to survive and work out what’s going on, being hunted, coming up with plans to outwit or outgun the beast(s). I love some dashes of dark comedy too!

    Whether it’s science experiments gone wrong, supernatural, eldritch horrors beyond our imagination, I’m easy on the actual monster as long as it provides an interesting and thrilling threat.

    Not into serial killers/true crime-like stuff (for lack of a better word) and spooky ghosts don’t really do much for me either. Nothing too pulpy or cheesy. Obviously a little cheese is ok but looking for something more quality and less bargain bin-y

    Jurassic Park is on my list, as I love the film and want to read the book and discover the differences but just wanted to get an array of other quality, fun and interesting creature features.


    by FranquintheTanquin

    1 Comment

    1. “The Luminous Dead” by Caitlin Starling always strikes me as something that’ll appeal to fans of “Alien”.

      It’s about a space-spelunker who fakes her credentials to get a high-stakes contract exploring a cave in a power suit. For Plot Reasons, she has to do this alone, with a surface-level controller as her only assistance. Lots of good tension-building and psychological horror from the cave-exploring factor.

      I have a pet theory that it’s also a commentary on horror video games, but nobody ever backs me up on it.

      EDIT- also, The Terror by Dan Simmons is about English sailors trapped in ice, being hunted by . . . something. I haven’t read it, just watched the TV show. But you might enjoy it.

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