September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am looking for books like The Farseer Trilogy, The Tawny Man trilogy, Liveship,etc.
    Basically a series were there is magic, especially animal involved( love the Wit magic), and the storyline is focused more on the people not the royalty. The peasants, the towns, the people, etc. not another story about a King or Princess. They can be in the background, as in these stories mostly. Character driven. Robin Hobb writes characters like nobody else that I have read. That’s why I need recommendations.

    by constant-reader1408


    1. CheerfulErrand on

      Yeah, Hobb is special. That’s tough to find!

      Tad Williams’s **Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn** series, starting with **The Dragonbone Chair** hits the same kind of vibe as Farseer for me, and they start out with very similar situations.

    2. I think RJ Barker’s work is quite likely to appeal to Hobb fans. His first trilogy, Wounded Kingdom, gave me strong Farseer vibes, being about an apprentice assassin and forbidden magic, with strong character work. His second trilogy, Tide Child, is my favourite and is a bit more unique, but there are still some echoes of Liveship Traders there, with its focus on dragons and ships made out of dragon bone. I haven’t had the opportunity to start the Forsaken trilogy yet.

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