July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have always loved fantasy books and I picked up “A Game of Thrones” about 2 months ago and I’ve been absolutely LOVING the series. I’m currently almost done the second to last book of the series but I’ve been ripping through these pages and I’ve already started to worry about what I’m going to read next. Please suggest me something similar to this series! Thank you in advance!

    by cherryfairy11


    1. If you like the “grimdark” nature of GOT, checkout the First Law series by Joe Abercrombie.

    2. Dagger and Coin series, starting with The Dragon’s Path.

      Farseer series starting with Assassin’s Apprentice

    3. That’s my favorite story of all time, even unfinished, and really nothing comes close to that vibe. But people are giving you good ballpark stuff with First Law and such.

      But if you want to deep dive into a culture with POV focus and length, check out the Masters of Rome series by Colleen Mccullough

    4. FreedomForBreakfast on

      The Way of Kings series by Brandon Sanderson. Not as dark and less sex/debauchery, but a good fantasy series with some level of magic.

    5. Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan. Or dive into the world of Brandon Sanderson and the mistborn books.

    6. Any series by Robin Hobb! She has multiple trilogies, start with the assassins apprentice and make your way up.

    7. George called Memory Sorrow and Thorn by Tad Williams his favorite fantasy series. I’m reading it right now and it’s really good.

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