September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am constantly seeing all these books becoming very big on tiktok and I have to wonder is there a secret formula to this happening? Because there are so many other books out there that are just as deserving of a big fan base more readers Etc and they’re not getting the recognition they deserve the popularity they deserve and as many readers as they deserve. So what can we as a community do to change this? Now by change this I mean what can we do to bring all these books into the Limelight and help these authors get noticed and seen by a wider audience? Like what are some good steps that we can all take to proactively make this happen?

    by indreamsforevermore

    1 Comment

    1. PeaceyCaliSoCal on

      Start a TikTok, Instagram or YouTube show to highlight and promote the books that you are speaking of. You could potentially expose millions of people to titles and/or authors that otherwise they would never have been exposed to.

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