October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Just finished reading this book. Fantastic writing and very intricate plot, however i’m confused about some of the character arcs and their relevance. please let me know if i got any of this wrong

    Wino boltcutter: shuffles through town, says the town is the same as always, goes into the mountains and offs himself.

    simone: sleeps with the townsfolk for ‘charity,’ swears off of her promiscuous proclivities, returns right back to it when she realizes god won’t do anything for her/the townsfolk feel like they can afford her companionship again.

    teddy: is gay for draeger.

    draeger: is gay for his own philosophies.

    jk but really draeger just is there to piss off both evanwrite and hank, but doesn’t really do anything besides start some rumors.

    jenny: expensive street lady, to cheap street lady, at one point hooking up with old henry, to hexing henry for the offensive things he said about her, to just trying to summon a loved one, to finally summoning that person. (she feels like a certain trope which is its own issue)

    also; maybe gets with viv?

    the dialogue on the last page feels like viv talking to jenny for some reason, do i have reason to believe it was someone else? was it just a dude that finally felt like he could spend some money? was it draeger after feeling defeated by hanks ✨gumption✨

    how are these characters relevant? i mean teddy and draeger i can understand, but jenny and simone just feel like a dunk on women and the boltcutter is just kind of taking up space.

    if you were considering reading this i would say its a good read, however does fail the bechdel test and is a antihero book. you are not supposed to like the characters.

    by homebodies_anonymous

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