September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey guys,

    I just finished ‚The city of Brass‘ (just the first book so no heavy spoilers for the other books please, some hints directly related to my questions are fine) and I have questions:

    1) The biggest one first. The epilogue and the last few chapters strongly suggested that I’m supposed to root for and sympathize with the Daeva. We had like 3-4 chapters on how Gassan was mistreating and killing them and how they were suffering and standing with Nahri in brave defiance. Yet…
    The Daeva are ‚fire supremacists‘ who see humans and Shafit as vermin and the other fullbloods as ‚inferior races‘. They moan about their mistreatment and unfairness in the world the same way former colonizers moan about only being very rich and influential instead of being allowed to enslave nations and be above the law…Frankly speaking I thought all book Darah was a hateful maniac! Am I really supposed to root for these people?

    Honestly I think it’s an awesome world but there isn’t a single character or faction I feel are in the right or I should root for 😅

    2) The stories mention 5 (I think) Dschjin tribes. Yet all of the book basically only revolves around the Gazani and the Daeva! Do the other tribes not live in Daevabad and have a voice in politics or what am I overlooking? Frankly I don’t even have an idea what the other tribes look or act like or believe. Did I miss it?

    3) Darah suddenly towards the end of the story basically turned into Dschjin Superman who could do anything defying all rules we learned about this world to the extend that all but those carrying Sulimans seal were essentially helpless against him. I’m a bit confused… if Afshin had/have such power and if people with that kind of power exist… how were there wars and armies not just the godlike being duking it out and everybody else watching? I always struggle to square Superman type figures that are unkillable (as we hear in the epilogue apparently not even turning to dust can harm Darah which is done DBZ level ‚no stakes‘ stuff), invincible and break every rule we established with a coherent world… 🤔

    Thnx in advance for those who remember and engage 🤗

    by Mojo-man

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