July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    *Bless the redditor reading this tedious post.*

    Could you suggest me a book which meets those criteria?

    (bold: mandatory, plain: optional but nice to have, the more the better)


    * **Third person present tense narration.** (*There’s a 36-book list on goodreads, still searching among those*)
    * **No slang, but plain good English.** Well, a handful words won’t hurt, but not too many.
    * **Academic/classic type of prose and narration.** I’ve already gone through several odd ones, now back to the standard (*besides the first point, not that common*)
    * **Lots of dialogues.**
    * **No torture, no rape, no child abuse.**
    * **Set in our real world.** This rules out plain Fantasy and Sci-Fi (which I like), but if there’s a bit of paranormal thing at stake it’s okay. Zombies are too much.
    * **No ‘prophecy’.** Just in case. And no ‘chosen one’.
    * **Traditionally published, with good reception.** Controversial books are fine, with contrasted ratings.
    * At least one young character in the 13-17 range.
    * A coming-of-age story.
    * Female author.
    * Comedic aspect, or tragicomedy, or ‘dramedy’
    * With provocation, or controversy.
    * LTGBTQIA+ (but not as a token)
    * Set in our modern time. Maybe in the second half of the last century and after.
    * Set in Japan. Okay this one will be harder to meet (I’m already looking into Japanese authors also, of course.)

    *Just for you to know:* I’m serious about this quest, and I’ve bought and read books recommended by redditors several times. Among those: *Dhalgren* (not related to this one quest).

    Thank you for your help!

    by Notamugokai

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