September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So many “classics” are filled with male gaze, white heroes, objectified women’s bodies, are largely heteronormative, generally neurotypical, teach men to hold in their feelings to be “strong”, etc etc. Patriarchal, outdated, harmful ideas. It’s what I grew up on and am now unlearning.

    I want my kids to read more complex, challenging, and interesting books while learning vocabulary and concepts which will give them more expansive thinking and compassion around gender roles, gender identity, sexuality, relationships, social expectations, racial and cultural diversity, and so on.

    Suggestions greatly appreciated! 😊

    by Working_Lifeguard413

    1 Comment

    1. unintentional_irony on

      Well, depending on the age of your kids, reading the classics with a more modern lense is valuable. But, if they’re into sci-fi, the Wayfarer series by Becky Chambers ticks these boxes IMO. They’re very character-driven and might read a bit soft for some sci-fi fans, but I’m glad she wrote them.

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