September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m quite new to reading and decided to start with something similar to my favorite movies. I am looking for a book similar to movie The Batman (2022) directed by Matt Reeves. I really like the atmosphere, dialog and as a guy, I think the romantic component is very good. I am inspired and motivated by character development of Bruce Wayne played by Robert Pattinson. I would be very grateful if you could recommend me similar books (not necessarily detectives or noir (I don’t like fantasy)) or if you could tell me how I can find similar books (what sub-genres are worth exploring).

    Thank you!

    by rearwindowlock


    1. Would you want to read any more batman stuff? I feel like it was really cribbing from Miller’s *year one*, for example. Another good, romantic and sad graphic novel about coming of age is *Black Hole,* really good, real romance in that. I’ll second watchmen, too.

      Oh you might like lev grossman’s the magicians, too. Im such a broken record on this sub lol but to me one of the best tragic heros ever is the poor bastard from koja’s the cipher…

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