September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Good morning friends! I’ve just started reading 1984 and I’m about 100 pages in, and I’m struggling. I have zero issue with the language and themes, but I just can’t seem to get in to it. Is it just me? Or has anyone else felt this way? I WANT to read it. I want to finish. But I just cannot stay interested yet… I love the dystopian books, I loved Animal Farm, other writings in the same time. Just this is just hard to get in to. Is it worth sticking out? Or am I just an unlucky person who can’t get into this book!

    by caitmr17


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    2. It’s SO WORTH IT, please don’t stop reading it. It gets more absorbing in the 2nd half! I suppose the first half is sort of slow-paced. And let’s discuss it when you finish reading it!!

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