July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone,

    In light of recent events, I’m looking for books that have to do with the history of Palestine and Israel. Two years ago, I read Mornings in Jenin by Susan Abulhawa for a class, and it was genuinely one of the best books I’ve ever read. It broke my heart and made me cry every chapter but at the same time it was beautiful. The resilience of the characters was inspiring. I would love to find more books that are similar.

    I would prefer fiction (historical fiction, contemporary fiction, literary fiction, etc.) but I’m also open to nonfiction books as well. I’m also open to books about conflicts in other middle eastern countries (such as As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow, reading that one now).

    Thank you!

    by dumbermifflin


    1. ReddisaurusRex on

      Search this sub and booksuggestions sub. It’s been asked SO MUCH the past few days. Here is my suggestion:

      The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: A Very Short Introduction

      *The whole “Very Short Introductions” series, by Oxford University Press, are really great for this sort of thing. Especially if you are starting on your learning journey. As unbiased as they can be. They are just there to lay out the basics as clear as possible, tell both sides, and give you direction for further reading.

    2. Caliglobetrotter on

      I recently read and enjoyed Take What You Can Carry by Gian Sardar, which is mostly set in Kurdish region of Iraq during the 1970s.

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