July 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. Becky Chambers’ **The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet** has a construction spaceship crewed with a found-family of multiple species travel across the galaxy to a new job. Most of the plot is interactions between the crew and incidents that happen along the way.

    2. Here’s a few!

      * The author Tad Williams writes character driven stories. He mostly writes fantasy, but he has written one sci fi series, the [Otherland series](https://www.goodreads.com/series/43762-otherland).

      * The author C. J. Cherryh has written a mountain of both sci fi and fantasy, all character driven. One of her more famous ones is Downbelow Station. I also recommend the [Chanur series](https://www.goodreads.com/series/40818-chanur).

      * Trouble and Her Friends by Melissa Scott is a book I’ve seen described as character driven, but not as strongly as the two authors above. I have not yet read anything else by this author, but she did write a lot of sci fi.

    3. The Murderbot Diaries feature a cyborg character who goes through a lot of growth in terms of friendships and emotions! 🙂

    4. MorriganJade on

      I second Martha Wells and Becky Chambers

      Kindred or Wild seed or Xenogenesis by Octavia Butler

      Do androids dream of electric sheep by Philip Dick

    5. It’s pretty soft sci-fi (if not more fantasy), but there’s some *incredibly* good character work in *The Rook* by Daniel O’Malley. The protagonist, Myfanwy Thomas, has lost her memory, and the book handles that far better (and with a far better emotional payoff) than almost any other story I’ve read with that premise~

    6. The Space Adventures Of Commander Laine. The characters are just awesome. It was written by, Beckie Veronica Laine.

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