September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished book one of Karl Ove Knausgaard’s My Struggle series, and it was a magnificent read. The level of detail in his stories, and his display of vulnerability and deconstruction of toxic masculinity really struck a chord with me. I’ve only recently tried to get back into reading regularly, and with this book I couldn’t put it down, to the point where I feel like it rekindled my love of books.

    Has anyone read the rest of the series, and can attest to its quality? Based on some reviews and comments people have made online, I’ve seen mixed opinions on the remaining books. The impression I got is that the later books were written in reaction to the first few, and last book even contains a 400-page essay on Hitler (yikes) which is something I really am not interested in, unless someone can convince me otherwise.

    Additionally, can anyone recommend similar works? I’ve seen he’s very influenced by Proust’s “In Search of Lost Time” series, which I do intend on starting, but I’m curious about other recommendations.

    by deepfriedcertified

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