July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve been on a fantasy kick for the last few years, which has been delightful! I read the wheel of time series, then hopped over to Brandy Sandy’s Cosmere for a bit. Read Stormlight Archives (twice) and LOVED it. I also read the one where they burn metals (can’t remember the series name) and it was a bit more gory/steampunky than I prefer, but I still liked it okay overall.

    I love something I can get way too invested in and just lose myself in for a long time. Like, this has been years that I’ve been reading these series and I’ve loved the journey. I also love really good character development, and I think that’s probably more important to me than the overarching plot of a book. I enjoy good world building, magical elements, and a little bit of whimsy and joy. I don’t mind things getting real or dark for a bit, as long as there’s still a redemptive arc. I skip past gore and sex scenes lol

    Also, I’m currently pregnant AND a toddler mom, so my brain is a bit mushy these days, and I can’t do anything too dark or intense because HORMONES. I also only read at bedtime, and can usually get through a chapter or two at a time.

    by Thistlewhite

    1 Comment

    1. funningincircless on

      Whimsical magical worlds with a long series…

      Xanth, 36 books in a world where babies are delivered by storks and puns are supplied by piles of fan mail to the author

      Discworld, the world is flat, balanced by elephants on the back of a turtle swimming through space

      Magic 2.0, the world is a computer simulation, but there’s no kung-fu fighting eco-terrorists fighting evil programs, only computer nerds looking for a place that doesn’t mind having people bending the laws of time and space all the time

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